Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Night Before Paris...

It was the Night Before Paris
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring...

Wait a minute... don't I know that from somewhere? Hmm... it'll come to me. Anyway, it is the night before I leave for Paris and I will admit I'm a bit nervous. Go easy on me all you
"Psh"-ers and "You'll be fine"-ers (haha that second one totally didn't go.) I've never traveled outside the country and I'm just nervous. I know I'll be ok, it's just nerve wracking to go through the process of getting there.
I'm still nervous about the fact that I don't speak the language but I'll figure out how to get by. My mom got me a book on where to go while in Paris so hopefully it will steer me in the right direction.

I'm going to miss everyone so much! The only picture I'm bringing with me is of Liam and Callie =o) Sorry guys, but I think it'd be a little weird if while searching for money, pictures of all of my friends and family fall out of my wallet. =o) But I love you and I'm sure I'll be thinking of you while in Paris! I'll try to write down those thoughts... if they're favorable, perhaps I'll share them with you! haha ok it's 1:51 am I'm stalling!!

Must get some sleep!! EEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! EEEKK!!


Unknown said...

Have fun Lex!! I love you and be safe... Paris is a beautiful place, enjoy it to the fullest!


Your awesome brother and father of your wonderful neice and nephew.

Beth said...

Hey girly! I miss u already! I hope your having the time of your life! Your probably sleeping right now, but I can't wait to hear from you. Its only been a day and I don't know what Im going to do. Anyways, love ya lots and lots be safe, and not a NOTCH!!! LOL!!!

Beth xoxoxo